Dear Parents,
As we continue to emphasize being “Friends” at St. Mary’s, we have been discussing the following Bible quote during Prayer Square. I encourage you to talk at home about what it means to your students and how we can use this quote to be better friends.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.”
—Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Welcome to the busy season at St. Mary’s. Over the next few weeks we have many activities and events, including a jammed packed Catholic Schools Week and our Diamonds and Denim Gala.
These are fun events that are unique to St. Mary’s and give us the opportunity to strengthen our community. I am excited for these events and all they offer our school.
Catholic Schools Week – January 26 – January 31st – Please click on the link for details.
Some important items to note….
Sunday, January 26 – Student led Mass at 10:45. – We would like all of our students to attend Mass along with their families. Students will be greeters, readers, servers and all the other things for Mass. We would love to have everyone there in their school uniform shirts.
- First and second graders will be greeters and say “Hello”
- Third and fourth graders will hand out bulletins and say “Good-bye”
- Readers are from a variety of classes.
Monday, January 27, 2025 – “Dress up – Crazy Socks or Hats” – Reading with buddies – Information Knight at Bishop Kelly for incoming freshmen, sophomores and juniors. (See below)
Tuesday, January 28 – Alumni breakfast – “Dress up Denim and Diamonds” If you are an alumni or know someone who is, please pass along the invitation.
Wednesday, January 29 – All Schools Mass at St. Mark’s at 10:00 am – Please be on the lookout for permission slips. After we return from Mass, we will have a Buddy Lunch with all the students together.
Thursday, January 30, 2025 – “Dress up as your future vocation (career)” – Family night at POJOs. – Thank you to the PTO for hosting a great family night out at POJOS from 5:00-8:00 pm.
Friday, January 31 – Family Picnic 12:30 pm, Open House 1:00 – 3:00, and Ringing of the Bells 3:00 pm
If you have the time, we would love to have all of our families join us for lunch on Friday, picnic style. Bring a blanket, pack the basket and join us for lunch. This year we would like you to invite a friend that may be interested in learning more about St. Mary’s. They can join you for lunch or meet afterwards for student-led tours of the school. You are welcome to stick around and join the Spartans as we ring bells at the end of the day.
Friday, January 31st – 7th and 8th Grade Dance – St. Ignatius 7:00-9:00 pm
Gala News – Diamonds and Denim Gala – February 8th –
Tickets are on sale now – Get yours before they are gone! – Gala Tickets
Diamonds and Denim Gala is two weeks away. Thank you to all who have volunteered. If you have not yet taken the time to get involved, please see Track it Forward for opportunities.
Thank you to everyone who contacted Katie Impomeni to contribute a dessert. She was able to fill her quota even with my mistake on her email!
In the front lobby of the school and in the cafeteria is the Diamonds and Denim – Wishing Wall – Requested items for the Gala are available for you to peruse to see if you have the ability to contribute. Contributed items count towards volunteer hours (including desserts )
All the proceeds for this incredible evening come back to the school so we can collectively provide an incredible Catholic School experience to our students and families at an affordable tuition.
Thank you for all of your support and we are looking forward to seeing everyone on the 8th.
The best way to help St. Mary’s is to continue to encourage your friends and families to take a look at our incredible school.
Enrollment – Tuition and Fees – St. Mary’s will open enrollment on February 1, 2025. With all of the interest in the school, we are excited to see what the future holds. The school board approved the tuition and fees for next year. Earlier today the information was sent to the school community. Please read through it. I am happy to answer any questions or address any concerns.
Enrollment fees will not be due until May/June.
We will have a number of recruiting events in the near future including our open house during Catholic School Week and Kindergarten screening. (COming end of February)
Below is current information about St. Mary’s. Please share this information with your friends and families. We want to find the right students and families to continue to grow this wonderful place and all that it has to offer.
St. Mary’s – Recruiting New Students
Bishop Kelly Events
Attention 8th grade families: Information Knight – Monday, January 27, 2025
Bishop Kelly High School is hosting an New Student Information Knight on Monday, January 27th at 6:30 PM in the Carley Athletic Center. Information Knight is a fun and informative evening for interested students who will be entering the 9th – 11th grades in the fall of 2025. The night begins in the Carley Athletic Center with a brief presentation about our school. From there, prospective students and their families will be introduced to current seniors, who will lead small group tours of the school. On the tour, participants will have the opportunity to hear from teachers in each department. The evening concludes with an activity fair where students can learn about the many ways to get involved at BK. We hope you’ll join us to learn more about BK! Please visit to register.
If you have questions about New Student Information Knight, or the admissions process at Bishop Kelly, please contact our Admissions Director Angela Calovich at (208) 375-6010 or
Bishop Kelly Basque Knight – Sunday, February 2, 2025
Bishop Kelly High School is hosting a Basque Dinner on Sunday, February 2nd. Join us for a delicious meal catered by Epi’s Basque Restaurant. This is a fun opportunity to break bread with family and friends during these long cold winter nights. Guests can arrive anytime between 5:00 and 8:00 PM. (We recommend coming early to make sure you get a seat!) Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for Students and Seniors, $6.00 for Children 6-10, and FREE for kids under 6. Purchase online at
Please mark your calendars for important dates:
- January 26 – January 31- Catholic Schools’ Week – See Detailed Schedule Above
- January 27 – BK Information Knight 6:30 pm
- January 28 – Alumni Breakfast
- January 29 – All Schools Mass at St. Mark’s
- January 30 – Family Night Out at POJOS – Hosted by PTO
- January 31 – TVCS Dance at St. Ignatius
- February 2 – BK Basque Knight
- February 7 – Teacher In Service – No School
- February 8 – Diamonds and Denim – St. Mary’s Gala
Other Important Announcements and Events:
Nurse News – This is an article from the nursing staff for December.
Partnership Page – St. Mary’s community is full of many terrific individuals who contribute to our greater community and St. Mary’s through their businesses and careers. It is our objective to provide support and awareness to the families that support us. If you are shopping for products or services, I encourage you to check our partnership page first. I would recommend you to mark the page as a favorite and check back often. If you are interested in having your business highlighted, please submit your information to Ms. Mandy @
St. Mary’s & Niche – St. Mary’s continues to use various vehicles to let people know about the best kept secret in town. We have used Niche for the past year. As we approach the middle of the school year, we would love for you to take a moment and leave a review of St. Mary’s. In addition, each month Niche has a $1000 sweepstakes to families, alumni, or students willing to complete a survey of the school. Click here to leave a review and enter the sweepstakes.
- – St. Mary’s is including information about the school and community in a recently created platform for Boise moms. Please take a look at their Guide to Boise Area Private Schools.
Calling all Alumni – We want to keep our alumni invited and informed of all happenings around St. Mary’s. If you are an alumni or know any alumni, please fill out the form – St. Mary’s Alumni Information
God bless.
Kevan Grant
St. Mary’s Catholic School- Principal
Other Items of Interest
Bishop Kelly Athletics – Bishop Kelly has a plethora of athletics happening throughout the Fall. The BK website has a link to team pages with game schedules. Whether you enjoy soccer, volleyball, cross country, there is something for everyone. Home football games are an experience.
Get your Uniforms and Spirit Wear from Educational Outfitters