Weekly Newsletter – February 28, 2025
Dear Parents,
It is Hallissey Week! – (Please see the linked document for tickets, schedule, program, etc…) Since 1963 Catholic communities all over the state have sent teams to Boise for this annual tournament. St. Mary’s has a great tradition of terrific play and renowned sportsmanship in this incredible tournament. Players such as Gabby Harrington, Luke Meyers, Rex Irby, Liz Heffner, Connor Mallet, Mike Russell, Nicole Casabonne (Geile), Krista Holdridge, and loads of others have represented the Spartans in the past.
This year we have two teams competing – 7th grade co-ed and 8th grade girls. We will be sure to post the schedule and share their progress throughout the weekend.
First Games:
- 7th grade Co-Ed – 4:30 Friday at Bishop Kelly (Reg)
- 8th Grade Girls – 5:30 Friday at Bishop Kelly (Carley)
Next week is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. You are welcome to join us for Mass at 8:30. At the end we will be recognizing our Christian Leaders for the month of February – Learners.
Gala Update
The Diamonds and Denim Gala was a huge success. The PTO was able to raise approximately $145,000 after expenses. This is a terrific year. Thank you to Kristen Colter, Sarah Brown, the rest of the PTO and all the volunteers for a wildly successful evening. Additionally, thank you to our corporate sponsors who greatly added to the event’s success.
Congratulations to all of our 5th-8th graders for the time, effort, and growth during our speech contest. The ten finalists did a phenomenal job displaying remarkable grace, poise, and confidence, while inspiring the audience. Thank you to Mrs. Bernal for providing this experience and opportunity to our students.
- 1st – Liam Hammerle
- 2nd – Megan O’Coyne
- 3rd – Jax Mescher
Enrollment is moving along. If you have not re-enrolled, please do so. We have had a tremendous amount of interest in St. Mary’s and everything we have to offer.
Each week we are providing tours and hosting new students to check out St. Mary’s. If you know of any families looking for an exceptional Catholic school experience, please encourage them to visit St. Mary’s. Let them know…. We have a dog!
Kindergarten Screening
Thank you to everyone who shared the information about our Kindergarten screening. Special thank you to the staff for hosting all our future Spartans!
If you know of anyone that was unable to make it, it is not too late. Please have them contact the front office to set up a time to meet.
During the first 18 days of February, our St. Mary’s billboards have run 134,197 times and have generated a total of 985,319 impressions. This is 150% of what was anticipated. Go Spartans!
Boise with Kids– St. Mary’s is a “Calendar Sponsor” with the Boise with Kids community. They have a wonderful site full of all things Boise. Please consider checking them out and subscribing to their newsletter.
Sign up through FACTS for NEW – After School Program – Young Rembrandts
St. Mary’s is excited to be offering another after school program for our aspiring artists. Beginning Monday, March 31 from 3:30-4:30, we will be offering an art class through Young Rembrandts. The course focuses on the Power of Drawing. Our very own Miss Heffner is going to be heading up the class to mold and shape our future creators. More information including registration will be coming in next week’s newsletter. The course is designed for students in Grade 1-5.
Hallissey – Volunteer Opportunities
The annual Hallissey basketball tournament is scheduled for February 28, March 1-2. The games are scheduled at St. Joe’s, St. Ignatius and Holy Apostles, and Bishop Kelly. If you have the time and would like to dedicate some hours to helping the tournament be successful, please insert your name in a time slot on the linked form.
Go Spartans!
PI Day Information
It may seem far away to you right now, but Pi Day is on the horizon and Mrs. Russell is beginning to get prepared. OpenTable Boise has agreed to prepare their signature Pi Day Meal for St. Mary’s again! This is a unique, local and LIMITED opportunity.
Please click on the link below for more dates and to order one of these incredible meals (serves 6 with leftovers, in my experience.) Meals will be available for pickup at St. Mary’s parking lot on Wednesday, March 12 from 3 -3:30 pm. They’ll keep in the fridge for up to 5 days but also freeze for up to three months (all except the salad!) All proceeds will go to help fund STEM equipment, supplies and experiences for our treasured St. Mary’s students!
Order now – meals are limited!
St. Mary’s Pi-themed dinner Order form
Please forward this email on to anyone you know who might want to order a Pi-Themed dinner and support St. Mary’s Students!
Looking for a Summertime Nanny
Sarah Crouch, St. Mary’s class of 2020, Bishop Kelly class of 2024, is looking to work as a nanny this summer. She is finishing her freshman year at Tulane University in New Orleans. If you are looking for a nanny this summer or if you know of someone who is, please contact Mandy at the office and she will pass along Sarah’s contact information.
BK Music Dept. Spring Concert – Mon, March 10 @ 7:00pm (REG Gymnasium) –
Admission is only $5 for adults, $3 for HS students, $2 for younger students and senior citizens, and kids age 5 or younger are free. The award-winning BK ensembles will be performing a wide variety of music, doors will open to the public at 6:30pm. The REG is the old gym located in the main building just past the fountain through the front entrance.
Please mark your calendars for important dates:
- February 28 – Hallissey Pep Assembly – 2:30 pm
- February 28- March 2 – Hallissey Tournament
- March 4 – Shrove Tuesday – 10:30 am
- March 5 – Ash Wednesday
- March 8 – Father-Daughter Dance
- March 8 – Mom and Son Bowling
- March 10 – BK Music Department Spring Concert
- March 13 – PI Day Celebration (We know it is supposed to be 3/14)
- March 14 – Professional Development – No School
Other Important Announcements and Events:
Nurse News – This is an article from the nursing staff for December.
Partnership Page – St. Mary’s community is full of many terrific individuals who contribute to our greater community and St. Mary’s through their businesses and careers. It is our objective to provide support and awareness to the families that support us. If you are shopping for products or services, I encourage you to check our partnership page first. I would recommend you to mark the page as a favorite and check back often. If you are interested in having your business highlighted, please submit your information to Ms. Mandy @ amcampanella@stmarys-boise.org
Calling all Alumni – We want to keep our alumni invited and informed of all happenings around St. Mary’s. If you are an alumni or know any alumni, please fill out the form – St. Mary’s Alumni Information
God bless.
Kevan Grant
St. Mary’s Catholic School- Principal
Other Items of Interest
Bishop Kelly Athletics – Bishop Kelly has a plethora of athletics happening throughout the year. The BK website has a link to team pages with game schedules.
Get your Uniforms and Spirit Wear from Educational Outfitters