Dear Families,
Welcome to September!
We are settling into the school year, adjusting to new schedules, new teachers and new routines. The students have handled the new routines extremely well. Thank you for all your support and encouragement.
- Please remember we have a 3:00 release this Friday in order to accommodate a parish wedding.
Next week we are looking forward to seeing everybody at our Back to School Bash on September 15th. There will be games, food and fun for the entire family. This is a great opportunity to continue to build our wonderful community. The PTO is looking for volunteers. Please use this link to sign up to volunteer.
- The volunteer link will take you to all events and opportunities to volunteer your time. We are in need of a chair for our Cornhole Tournament in October. If interested, please use the link and/or contact PTO directly at
- You are invited to join us for Mass every Wednesday morning. There is nothing greater than the opportunity to join together and celebrate. If you would like, you are welcomed to sit with your student or have your student sit with you during Mass.
- If you are going to be excusing your student early for whatever reason, please let Mrs. Campanella and their teacher know..
- For the month of September, we are emphasizing being a Learner in support of our School Learning Expectations. Each day at Prayer Square we are talking about what being a Learner looks like at St. Mary’s.. You are invited to join us and I encourage you to talk with your student about being a Learner.
Thank you again for all your support and encouragement. God bless..
Kevan Grant
St. Mary’s Catholic School- Principal
Other Items of Interest
- Back to School Bash – September 15th – 5:00 to 8:00 pm
- Peaches for Sale – Please support our 8th grade class retreat to St. Gertrude’s. Last day to order is September 8th.
- Flu Shots – September 21st – More info coming soon
- Foodbank Annual Oktoberfest – Please come and support our community partners on September 25th
- Get your Spirit Wear from Educational Outfitters – New Spartan Design
- Calling on all 3rd – 6th grade basketball players – The 3rd annual Catholic School Invitational is planned for March 15th through 17th in Boise.
- Mexican Dance Group – Wednesdays at 3:30 Beginning September 6th – More details HERE – Please feel free to stop by and try it out.