Spanish Literacy Philosophy

The Mission at St. Mary’s School is to provide a Catholic environment that instills academic excellence while preparing the whole child for lifelong personal and spiritual growth, empowering them to become global citizens. 


St. Mary’s Catholic School’s focus on Spanish Literacy as a cornerstone of our educational approach is in support of our mission and demonstrates our passion for providing our students with a culturally relevant education. Spanish literacy enables our students to gain knowledge, awareness and appreciation for the diverse cultures present in our region. 

St. Mary’s is committed to targeting our academic efforts to maximize the students’ potential. 


Spanish Literacy

Our commitment to Spanish literacy extends beyond the acquisition of language skills. While learning the structure and nuances of Spanish are incredibly valuable as a course of study, our focus is on creating and encouraging a school culture that recognizes and values diversity. The diversity includes language, dance, traditions, food, customs, as well as celebrations, both religious and secular. 


Curriculum and Learning Targets

St. Mary’s differentiates the learning target for each grade.  For each grade level the focus is for our students to embrace language skills along with cultural awareness that is readiness and age appropriate. 

The curriculum and learning targets are progressive with each year. At the same time, new students are able to join the community and find success. While students joining our community from other schools may find the work challenging due to its newness, the teachers will aid students to accelerate the student’s learning and help them progress forward while finding success in the classroom given the proper effort from the student.