Hello St. Mary’s Families,
Wow, St. Mary’s was buzzing with activity last week! Eighth grade led our daily prayer and did an awesome job hosting Mass. Second and fourth grades lovingly presented Stations of the Cross for the school on Tuesday. Our school honored 3rd quarter Honor Roll, Accelerated Reader, and Hallissey Basketball Tournament players after Mass on Wednesday. Spring parent and teacher conferences were held Thursday and Friday afternoons. All these things were happening right alongside our daily academic and specials schedule. It was a full, but fun week!
Over the weekend was Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week, the last week of Lent. It’s such an important time to gather and remember and participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Easter triduum is the summit of the liturgical year. It begins the evening of Holy Thursday, reaches a high point at Easter Vigil, and closes in the evening on Easter Sunday. There will be no school this Friday (Good Friday) or next Monday (Easter Monday). I hope that you and your family will take some time to attend Mass during this important period of remembrance.
Merrideth Dressler