Week in Review:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I know it is weird saying this, but we made it! The 2019-2020 school year is over and all I can say is THANK YOU! Thank you for being the most kind and welcoming community to me and my family. Thank you for being such a positive and enthusiastic school community. Thank you for having incredibly hardworking, fun, and dedicated students. Thank you for being an incredible school staff who works so hard for our students’ success. Thank you for always being willing to rally around anyone in our community who is going through a difficult personal situation. Thank you for sharing your celebrations and good news with us during morning Prayer Square. Thank you for helping me learn more about our amazing school and the rich history it contains. Thank you for being brave and positive when the uncertainty of COVID-19 began. Thank you for your willingness to work with the school and provide feedback to make our Distance Learning Plan so successful. Thank you for rallying and bringing in so many participants to make our annual School Auction such a HUGE success! Thank you for being part of the Breakfast Club and joining me each morning on Facebook Live for Prayer square. Thank you for all of your song requests and making the morning jam session so lively. Thank you for all of the high fives, hugs and words of encouragement this school year. Thank you for being YOU! I can’t fully express how wonderful this school year has been and how proud I am to be part of this incredible community. I am happy for some time away this summer, but I am extremely excited for our upcoming school year.
During this summer vacation, I pray that our Heavenly Father will continue to shed his graces and blessings on you all. I pray that you are able to unplug, find some rest and relaxation with family and friends to rejuvenate your bodies, minds, and spirits. Have an wonderful summer, and I am so excited for year 2 to begin. If you need to contact me over the summer, please email me at bolmes@stmarys-boise.org. Have a great weekend and may God bless each one of you.
Continue to stay plugged in by looking at the weekly (final) slideshow. I am so proud of all our student accomplishments this year. Click HERE to see the photos.
Need to Know:
- Summer Resources:As we move into the summer, we wanted to let you know that you can access some additional resources to help maintain your student’s learning and prevent any summer slide. Firstly, we have renewed our Renaissance subscription which includes the MyOn program. I have created the 2020-2021 school year and placed all of our students in their class/grade for next year. Please use the same log in credentials that you used this year to access MyOn and continue your reading. In addition to MyOn, we will once again be working with the company, IXL, to provide summer learning resources for your student. We have created our teacher accounts and placed your student into those classes. For this summer, your student will be in the grade/class that they were in for the 2019-2020 school year. This program allows students to access learning modules for their 2019-2020 class/grade or their 2020-2021 class/grade. IXL allows students to work on Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Spanish. It can be accessed through a computer or by apps on your phone or tablet. You will be receiving an email from IXL with your username and password. Please Note: Only students who have registered for the 2020-2021 school year will be able to access the IXL program. Once you have registered for next school year, we will then send you the IXL log-in credentials. If you have any questions, please email Brian Olmes.
- Amazing resource for St. Mary’s Families:
As you know, our fantastic counselor, Mrs. Eiguren has worked hard to create a Google Site to help all of us through this difficult time. The link is below and she is constantly working to add resources and make it more beneficial for families. Please take some time to check it out by clicking this link: https://sites.google.com/a/stmarys-boise.org/ms-eiguren-s-counseling-corner/home
Nice to Know:
- Need for Volunteers:
This summer, we will be doing some medium sized projects around campus and could use some volunteers for moving boxes, MINOR demolition, and other work. When those needs arise, I will be sure to communicate days and times if you are willing and able to provide some volunteer hours.
PTO Corner:
- If you have art expenses from this school year that have not yet been reimbursed, you may email the PTO Treasurer at jenre817@gmail.com. In your email, please include a brief description of the items purchased, a picture of the receipt, and a mailing address.
- We are also looking for parents interested in joining the PTO board next year. Positions that need to be filled include Secretary and Vice President. The Vice President position is a two year commitment where you serve one year as VP and then the next you step into the President role. Please email Meghan Goodwin at meghan_goodwin13@hotmail.com if you have any questions, are interested in joining us or would like to nominate someone you think would be a great fit.
Important Dates (Right around the Corner):
- May 28 – August 16 Summer Vacation (No School or online classes)
The complete School Calendar can be found on the Home Page or on the Parents Quick Links Page. To have an event added to our School Calendar, email us at calendar@stmarys-boise.org.
Important Dates (On the Horizon):
- August 3 School Offices Open
- August 6 New Parent Information Meeting
- August 17 First Day of School (Grades 1-8)
- August 19 PreK and Kindergarten First Day of School
- August 25 Back to School Night
The complete School Calendar can be found on the Home Page or on the Parents Quick Links Page. To have an event added to our School Calendar, email us at calendar@stmarys-boise.org.
Strategic Plan Updates
Click here to see the most recent updates on the Strategic Plan Projects, including the West Side Grounds Project, The Interior Project, and the Community Directory Project. We are currently looking for volunteers for on these and other key initiatives. Whether you’re interested in helping lead a small project, or just have a few hours to help, please complete this quick form and we’ll contact you shortly about whatever you’re most interested in.
Wisdom from Our Young Scholars:
- Now that we are in our Summer Vacation, all of the wisdom from our Young Scholars is at home with you. Enjoy!